Artist · b. 1935 · Oxford-based since 1960


Self portrait, back yard, 11am

Education & Training:

Brighton College of Art 1952-56 

Rome scholarship and British Institution Fund Scholarship in print making

Senior Fellow - Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers


1964-1996 Multiple trips to Crete for painting & etching

Draughtsman to the British School of Archaeology, Athens


Bear Lane Gallery

Oxford Gallery

Museum of Modern Art Oxford

Kettles Yard Cambridge

Christchurch Picture Gallery

Art Jericho

St. Hilda’s College, Oxford

Wolfson College, Oxford

Mixed shows:

RA Summer Exhibitions

Hunting Prizes

The Discerning Eye

London Original Print Fair

Mall Galleries

Bankside Gallery


British Museum

Ashmolean Museum

Oxford University

Reading University

North Staffordshire University

Private collections in UK, Europe, America & Australia


Royal Academy Schools

Universities: Oxford, Reading, North Staffordshire, Berkshire College of Art and Design

Sunlight on Forms:

North Wall Arts Centre, South Parade, Oxford, 5-23 September 2023.

The Jeff Clarke Retrospective:

The motivations and methods behind the last 40 years of Jeff’s printmaking styles, captured at the Jeff Clarke Retrospective.  

Carey Blyth Gallery, Oxford – September 2020

The Etching Process: